An Easter Poem. For Crap Mummies.

The Easter Bunny’s been to visit,

There’s chocolate all around.
And you’ve discovered the best way to eat it…
Without the toddler hearing a sound.
You eat it in the kitchen,
When you’re supposed to be cooking dinner.
You scoff it in the downstairs loo,
Like a covert choccy-egg-destroying sinner.

You’ve hidden all the wrappers,
Put the boxes straight in the bin.
You’ve sucked out the creme from all the creme eggs,
And washed it down with gin.

You’ve somehow eaten all of it,
Every egg, every bunny, every bit…
You’re going straight to Mummy-Hell for this,
Because you don’t even give a shit. 
You don’t care how many Malteser Bunnies lose their faces,
So long as you get your fix.
What the kids don’t know can’t hurt them, right…
*heads off and snorts a twix* 



  1. Something Crunchy Mummy April 4, 2015
  2. Laura Powell-Corbett April 5, 2015
  3. joy April 5, 2015
  4. Hannah Brooker April 5, 2015
  5. Older Single Mum April 5, 2015
  6. Katie @mummydaddyme April 6, 2015
  7. Cath Fryer April 9, 2015
  8. Sit with Rose April 13, 2015

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