I’ve Ruined My Vagina… a MADs post… (Obviously)

My Just a Normal Mummy blog is my therapy,
Since becoming the Tiny Destroyer’s Mum.
For everything else there is Jaffa Cakes and alcohol…
Shame about the widening effect on my bum.

It’s true that I’ve ruined my vagina,
And we all know I’ve talked about that A LOT.
Perhaps it’s because I’d like to go to china,
(Well it rhymed, so it went in that slot…)

I’m the keeper of the world’s curliest toddler,
WallyBubba, ‘The Turdy-Cat-Whisperer’, is her name.
I’ve got her to age two without breaking her,
And developed a gin addiction to deal with the pain…

I have a dining-room dedicated to marmite art,
And can make a pair of leggings last the week.
The other day I almost wore a bra for a while…
And last Tuesday I put pants on as a treat.

So what’s the bastard reason for this poem eh?!
I hear all you Wally-Fans shout.
It’s about these rather lovely bloggy awards;
Yes, the #MADs is what it’s all about.

I’d really love all of you to vote for me.
THIS year I really f@*king want to WIN.
Let’s not beat about the bush, I really need you guys to push,
Else it’s just me, my wonky fanny and some gin.

(and the voices…)


I would really love to be voted Most Entertaining Blog and/or Best Blog Writer. If you would like to help me get nominated in this year’s MAD (Mum and Dad) Blog Awards. All you need is an e-mail address and to follow this link:


Everyone has to vote for Blog of the Year first (yes, I will happily accept votes for this too! heehee), then you can nominate in the individual categories using my blog URL:  www.justanormalmummy.blogspot.co.uk

Thank you! Fingers crossed!

If you need further inspiration here’s some of my favourite bloggers:

www.downssideup.com and www.crazywithtwins.com – Amazing inspirational stuff.
www.kiphakes.com – He’s funny, direct and has a fantastic blog. He is short though.
www.californianmuminlondon.blogspot.co.uk – There are cakes. What else could you ever need…
www.thesecretfather.wordpress.com – Awesome writer.
www.actuallymummy.co.uk and www.mamasaurus.co.uk – Blogging Royalty *bows*
www.mummyneversleeps.com – Tough stuff, but amazing writing and so so funny in places.
www.podcastdove.com and www.shutterflies.co.uk – Beautiful photography blogging.
www.ideas4dads.net and www.hurrahforgin.com – Lovely, wonderful and seriously amusing. Defo ones for the newbie category!
www.mummyshambles.wordpress.com – Hilarious and shambolic!
www.allthecampinggear.co.uk www.ooohcrumbs.wordpress.com www.mumofthreeworld.com www.instinctivemum.com I could go on FOREVER. I’ll no doubt add more… But you get the idea!


  1. mel cowlishaw February 19, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 19, 2014
  2. complicatedgorgeousness February 19, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 19, 2014
  3. InstinctiveMum February 19, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 19, 2014
  4. New Mum Online February 19, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 19, 2014
  5. SarahMummy February 19, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 19, 2014
  6. Notmyyearoff February 19, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 19, 2014
  7. Hurrah For Gin February 19, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 19, 2014
  8. Charly Dove February 19, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 19, 2014
  9. Claire Toplis February 19, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 19, 2014
  10. Suzanne W February 19, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 20, 2014
  11. Tom IdeasforDads February 19, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 20, 2014
  12. Older Mum February 20, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 20, 2014
  13. Kim Carberry February 20, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 20, 2014
  14. Actually Mummy... February 20, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 20, 2014
  15. Izzie Anderton February 20, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 20, 2014
  16. Mammasaurus February 20, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 21, 2014
  17. Mummypinkwellies February 25, 2014
    • Wally Mummy February 25, 2014
  18. Sally Gill March 14, 2014
    • Wally Mummy March 17, 2014

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