Good Sleeper = The empty LIE which tempted you into unprotected sex in the first place… (*note to self* – in future, just have a Twix.)
Good Feeder = My nipples look like pate.
Bad Latch = My baby ate some of my pate nipple.
Tongue Tie = Nature’s way of telling you you’re baby’s not a pate fan.
Cluster Feeding = Your baby f@*king loves pate.
Combination Feeding = The Daily Mail is very disappointed in you, and you and your vagina are going to hell.
Nipple Confusion = You’d be confused too if you had to fit that in your face.
Feeding Position = Yeah, you better be holding your baby at exactly 37 degrees perpendicular to your lap or they will be all up in your shit like a tiny-milky-twat.
Facial Recognition = When they look at you and shit. Yes, your face makes them shit themselves. Let’s try not to read into that too much.
Colic = You won’t be leaving the house for a while and when you do, it will be to go and cry behind some bins.
Reflux = The Universe has decided you are a horrific human being and this is your punishment. Along with how your vagina looks now.
Baby Socks = Another one of the Universe’s jokes…
Controlled Crying = If you think for a second you are in control of anything then you should probably sell your ovaries on the internet right now.
First Smile = Wind (and denial).
First Laugh = Lots of wind (and denial).
Wind = My baby is really happy (but no-one squeeze them too hard).
Floor Gym = Somewhere to leave your baby so you can go take a shit for the first time in three days.
Jumperoo = Freeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddoooooommmmmmm. Escape to the bathroom now and eat as many Snickers in a row as you can before it’s too late…
Tummy-Time = Baby face-planting with tears.
Babble = I’m trying to talk to you, you rancid whore.
Baby Wearing = You don’t even need to put down your gin…?! #nobrainer
Skin-to-Skin = Excuse for a bath.
New Baby Smell = When you’ve washed off the vagina sections with Johnsons.
Baby Bath = You think you’re cleaning your baby, but what really happens is you dry them and all their skin falls off. Until you stick it back on with baby oil.
Teething = Run away now while you still can…
Co-Sleeping = Remember when you used to have sex…? No. Probably best.
Sleep Regression = What the internet tells you to say when your baby still thinks 20 minutes sleep per night is acceptable at 4-months old.
Growth Spurt = What the internet tells you to say about everything else…
Positing = When your baby farts milk out of their face. In chunks.
Milestones = The precious moments where your baby begins sitting, eating, crawling and walking… and the moment you realise why baby vests have shoulders like that…Alternatively, simply apply ‘Growth Spurt‘ to everything on this list. And have some gin while baby-wearing.

Love this list. I always thought colic was punishment for something I did in a previous life, and based on the experience we had I must have been a bloody awful person – maybe Vlad the Impaler or some other murderous dictator!
I'm currently experiencing reflux and constantly baby wearing! No fun here for us!
Baby socks are the most ridiculous invention ever – after scratch mitts and shoes for any child under the age of 2. Hope you're coping x
Haha – they should put this in the baby books – that would stop the population explosion in its tracks. Giggling at the baby bath one (is that bad!) xx
Love it! I had refluxy babies, and they hated tummy time – does any baby actually like it?!
Ha! A beauty!
My kids wouldn't breastfeed. And they don't pate.
But my husband asked me to get some 'Brussels pate' the other day..He likes a bit on his Jacobs cream cracker as it happens. Not sure how he feels about nipples mind. He is usually unconscious by 8 PM so I guess I'll never find out x
Oh darling, you're like a breath of fresh air! This made me laugh so much, you rancid whore. Brilliant. I hope you'll still blog when you're back at stupid real job. xxx
What Wry Mummy said! Love it 🙂 x
HA!!! Brilliant, LOL’d from begining to end! So spot on. Good job we can laugh about it ( don’t remember laughing through reflux though!!) :)))
Heehee x yes now we can laugh… NOW… With all the alcohol… 😉 xx